First Assignment
Hi, my name is Dasha. My first memories are being barefoot with the cold touch of the tundra on my feet. We lived in a dry cabin out near Fairbanks, AK which is where I now reside. I am very excited to be in this class as I have been wanting to take this course since I started as a student at the UAF. I have chosen a photo that is far from my best photo, I must have taken it close to fifteen years ago on a very basic camera, but it inspired me to pay more attention to angles and the framing that nature can provide. It was also a once in a lifetime photo of a wolf. I think it works almost for the same reasons it doesn’t, it was a very lucky shot and the leaves seemed to frame the photo in a way from the angle I was taking it, but the angle could have been better, and I think would have evoked much more than it did if I had a better-quality camera with a better focus. I also think that if I had been able to zoom in on the wolf a little more and maybe had less of a frame from the leaves, they would have more subtly complimented the wolf. The wolf should have been more angled in the middle.
My parents and family on my father’s side have all been hobby photographers. My brother and sister dabble in it as well. I essentially grew up with my father following his passion for wildlife, trekking us through the wilderness with his old Nikon. I still remember the strap he’d put on it and throw over his shoulder so he could be ever ready for one of those moments. His passion was passed onto me, I now have a passion for capturing precious moments as it is the most priceless thing I could possibly ever hold in my hands besides my children. I am taking this class to push me to be become better at photography and capturing those priceless moments.

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