UNIT 6 – midterm portraits

Three different portraits with all having the theme of mirrors! I wanted to experiment with mirror perspective and try my best to take a photo without the camera being obvious in the photo.
Portrait one is myself in current day compared to my ID photos from when I moved to Alaska, starting with my highschool ID to my current ID, and finally, me, with my chosen name. The second portrait is a dummy head donning things I would wear, and if you look at the right lens you can see me looking back at the viewer. The third and incidentally ominous portrait is me glaring at a mirror that’s been suspended on the wall if the museum gift shop I work at. The image itself has been flipped so the text on my shirt and mask reads correctly. This mirror was a decent distance away, so it was a little difficult getting a clear image but I managed. These were incredibly fun to shoot and I think I pulled it off pretty well.
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