Daily-Unit 5

I thought the original was a little dark so I wanted to lighten it a little bit so I used the white balance tool, then manually adjusted the temperature, exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, whites, blacks, texture, clarity, dehaze, and vibrance.

To me the original was a little too cool and I wanted to warm it up so I used the white balance tool, then manually adjusted the temperature, exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, whites, blacks, texture, clarity, dehaze, vibrance, and saturation. I also cropped it a little bit to get rid of one the sprinkler thing on the ceiling.

The original was a little over exposed so I wanted to darken it a little and bring out some more warmth and color in my dogs coat. I tired the white balance tool but it didn’t really seem to help so I reverted it (maybe I wasn’t using it right?). Then manually adjusted the temperature, exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, whites, blacks, texture, clarity, dehaze, vibrance, and saturation.
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