My first image, The STOP image, was the most difficult. I have very poor lighting in my apartment so the setting used here were what I had to make with. It seems the faster the shutter speed, the more noise the image generates. I’m not sure how to correct this. What is going on here beyond the flaws is the stew in my instant pot being depressurized. Sometimes I add way too much solid vs. liquid and it causes the pressure valve to sputter. I figured it would make an interesting photo, however it captured very little for what I wanted. I still think it looks neat though.
My second image, the PAN image, is my hand as I am rotating in a circle.
The third image is an anonymous individual reaching down for an object. They had just moved in so their things were pretty much scattered, and in a moment of respite I wanted to capture them bending down. what resulted was a very interesting image of “two” of the same body being snapped in one photo. I thought it looked pretty cool so I submitted it here for my assignment.
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