Unit 2 – Depth of Field

These are my first pair of images. This counts as the object of close focus. It features another lense I use for long-distance shots in the foreground, and in the background is a Litebrite I bought earlier this week. This was my best composition as far as exposure goes, as it remains consistent no matter the focus.

This pair would be my face portrait. Because I’m traveling alone I was unable to find a subject to take a photo of. I would have done my own face, but I did not have a tripod or a convenient flat surface at eye level, so I tried my best making a photo with a mirror. I have pretty shaky hands so the images are not very steady, but it is still possible to see the different foci with the apertures that were used.

Finally, my third submission: a yard of dandelions with a house as the background. Flowers are my favorite subjects to photograph so I wanted to try this assignment out with this little patch.
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