Assignment 2
This pair of photos were taken with some bad light, but all things considered I think they turned out rather crisp looking, which surprised me. I like the colors in this kitchen photo, and I especially like the way the light streaks along the faucets neck. My second photo didn’t fully bring the background into focus, but there is still a definite difference between the two. I used a really slow shutter speed in all three pairs for the completely in-focus photos, and I am thankful for a sturdy tripod.

Found this little Disney dwarf figure that was in a perfect position to be looking sideways at an expansive piano keyboard. I think the photos turned out pretty well. I took the blurry background photo first, and I think I was able to match the second photos exposure decently, but not perfectly. The piano is definitely lighter colored in the first photo. I like how prominent the focus change is with this pair, and they contrast nicely.

I took this picture during a study hall at my school of my friend doing some of his school work. Of all three pairs, this one has the least prominent change between the backgrounds as far as focus goes. I really like how the first one turned out, but in the second I used a very slow shutter speed. While I was taking it my friend must have moved a bit because his hat turned out being visibly morion-blurry. Other than that I like the framing and composition of both. I like how you can barely see the top of his computer.

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