Assignment Unit 13
Diptych etcetera
Due are TWO images, choose two from a Dyptich, Triptch, or Typology
Work up your image in Photoshop as usual.
Then Duplicate (under Image-Duplicate) and downsize each of the photos to about 3’x4.5’ at 300 dpi (Image>Image Size) make them 8-bit RGB files (Image>Mode>8-bit) even if you had previously converted to Grayscale (Image>Mode>RGB).
Save each as a jpeg.
Make a new Photoshop document (Command-N), 11×17’ in RGB at 8-bit, 300 dpi.
Drag this document off the tabs, onto the desktop, so you can see it separately.
Use the Move tool (top of tool bar to left) and click on and drag each image to the new document. Make sure the “Auto Select’ button is checked above the Move tool)
Use <Command“> to get a grid on your new page, and align the images so they look orderly by clicking on them and dragging them with the move tool active. You can use the Control button to move things very precisely. But sometime the way the images Snap in will help, especially with the Typology.
For a Diptych, as the name implies, you need to choose and organize two photos. They can be horizontally arranged. The space in between photos is important. They might even touch each other. Please spend time experimenting with this gap. For a Triptych, you’ll organize three images. And for a Typology, you’ll do a grid of 9 or 16 images (or more), all shot of the same topic, different subjects, very similar approach.
These can be in black and white or color, or even a mixture. For the Diptych and Triptych, the images might be similar, or very different. You can play with time (say an image of the same place at two different times, or your child playing hard, then sleeping), or you might rub two different images together, and see how they work. In the end these are judged visually, so you have to experiment and see how images work together visually.
Save the new page as a TIF. You’ll get a notice that the image will be larger with layers. Each time you added a new image you created a new Layer in Photoshop (you can see them in the Layers Window). Ignore the notice and go ahead and save with the layers, then duplicate it and flatten it (Layers>Flatten Image). Then downsize the photo and save it as a JPEG to turn it in.
NOTE: As always, you might want to Google the types of images to get ideas.
Navigate to Blackboard Unit 13 to submit your work.