The first image I took at the Clear Sky Sportsmans Club. I didn’t catch all of the names. They have trap shoots about 4 times a year, and most of the men & women that go have homesteaded here or have lived in Alaska longer than I have been alive. The youngest boy, shown here in the center, was a teenager. The older men were showing him how to properly shoot his gun and were very encouraging to him. It was nice to see such community, especially in light of such recent gun control debates.
The second image I took through the glass at a local hockey practice. I asked, and his name is Keyen. I was taking one of him watching the older skaters, but just as I pushed the shutter, he looked at me.
The third image is also at the Patty Center. I was getting myself a water, and these two were playing so contently, and were just so joyful to be at a hockey rink. He appears to be telling a really intense story!