SWOPE Point of View – Unit 4- 1,2,3
These are my 3 photos for Unit 4, Point of View.
Left: NoseConeVisions– what the nose cone of a turboprop King Air Medevac plane sees: its own reflection whether flying or sitting on the tarmac, spinning or idle.
Center: PiggyInnards– the top-down view through our piggy bank, also subtitled, “You can bank on it!”
Right: PotWatching– looking up from a stock pot, you see the condiments on the back of the stove, top of a bottle of wine, and someone about to put a tuber in the pot. This is why we clean the air exhaust on the microwave…. don’t want any dirty pot pictures! Yuck, yuck.
I had fun… hope you all did too! Bob